Doulas on Camera
"The Death Discussion" is a short documentary focusing on the concept of death and dying, and shows a candid group conversation at a 'Death Cafe'. Produced by Christian Robinson, a VCU student reporter.
Facing our own death is filled with a myriad of emotions. In our modern culture, unfortunately families often buffer those negative feelings, yet it’s through exploring them that actual growth and truth exists. As end of life doulas we welcome that growth and exploration. Here is Shelby's response to how we buffer pain as a society.
In The News
Fifty Plus Richmond article
The Last Chapter - June 2021 Issue
Channel 3 News Richmond
How Death Doulas Are Working to Change the Way People View Death
New York Post Article
People Are Hiring Doulas to Help Them Die
Voice America Radio Interview
From Mourning to Morning with Rabbi Mel Glazer
Richmond Magazine Artile
Opening the Window