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A lotus in a pond

How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it - George Elliston



“Shelby's advice and support turned my Father's death into a meaningful and positive experience for me.  If I hadn't had Shelby's help, I wouldn't have known how to be present in the powerful last moments of my Father's life. I will forever be grateful to Shelby for the gift of her knowledge and guidance." - Niki S.






"During my wife’s journey, we brought on an end of life doula who explained to me that my job was not to rebuild that jet.  Instead I was to journey with my wife as far as I could.  And that the jet was taking her from this life to eternal life.  


The doula helped us see the global picture.  The doctors have only a partial picture of what’s happening.  Hospice only a partial picture. The doula asked my wife the key question:  what do you want?  And she asked the same question to us.  And our answers were consistent...She was at home for the final weeks of her life.  She remained full of life until the very end.  Two weeks before she passed, she was in her garden, picking snap beans and snipping zinnias for flower arrangements throughout our home.  

But she passed just as we had expected and the doula had predicted.  She was a private person who didn’t want to be a burden to anyone else...We were in an adjacent room planning her funeral.  Something happened, something changed, and both my daughter and I sensed it at the same time.  In her own silence, she passed, but let us know that she was on her final journey out of this world – wordlessly, without fanfare."  - K.G. 






I love the death café, and we’ve had several deaths in our church family recently which would qualify as “good” deaths, even “beautiful” deaths.


We are learning from you.


Jim Somerville

First Baptist Church

Richmond, VA

"Shelby was an absolute answer to prayer as she helped my husband and I prepare for his ALS journey to come to a close. We learned so much from her and she has such a beautiful heart towards those she serves." - Sue. C

Call:  (804) 502-3667

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